Główne publikacje pracowników Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie z listy Filadelfijskiego Instytutu Informacji Naukowej


  • Żołądź J.A., Szkutnik Z., Majerczak J., Duda K. Pedersen P.K. Non-linear relationship between oxygen uptake and power output in the Astrandnomogram –old data revisited; Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2007, 58: 265-273.
  • Żołądź J.A., Kulinowski P., Zapart-Bukowska J., Grandys M., Majerczak J., Korzeniewski B., Jasiński A. – Phosphorylation potential in the dominant leg is lower, and [ADP(free)] is higher in calf muscles at rest in endurance athletes than in sprinters and in untrained subjects; Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2007, 58: 803-819.
  • Klimek A.T., Klimek A. – The weighted walking test as an alternative method of assessing aerobic Power; Journal of Sports Sciences 2007, 25 (2): 143-148.
  • Zembrom-Lacny A., Szyszka K., Szyguła Z. – Effect of cysteine derivatives administration in healthy men exposed to intense resistance exercise by evaluation of proantioxidant ratio; The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2007, 57 (6): 343-348.
  • Pilch W., Szyguła Z., Torii M. – Effect of the sauna-induced thermal stimuli of various intensity on the thermal and hormonal metabolism in women; Biology of Sport 2007, 24 (4): 357-373.
  • Adamski P., Witkowski Z.J. – Effectiveness of population recovery projects based on captive breeding;Biological Conservation 2007, 40: 1-7.
  • Suder A. – Differentiation in body fatness associated with selected lifestyle elements: impact of family obesity resemblance; Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 16 (5C): 628-632.
  • Suder A., Sokołowski A. – Variation in body fat distribution associated with selected social and lifestyle elements: socio-economic implications; Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 16 (5C): 634-639.
  • Płonka M., Kowal M., Suder A., Bielański W., Dobrzańska M., Kamińska A., Głodzik J., Jagielski P., Piórecka B., Schlegel-Zawadzka M. Puberty and relationships between serum leptin levels and body composition in adolescent sportswomen; Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 16 (5C): 504-508.
  • Matusik S., Woźniacka R. – The model of long bones growth increase rate among children with different physical activity based on the decision teres method ; Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, .
  • Mika A., Mika P., Fernhall B., V.B. UnnithanV.B. - Comparison of recovery strategies on muscle performance after fatiguing exercise; American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2007, 86 (6): 474-481.
  • Nowobilski R., Furgał M., Czyż P., de Barbaro B., Polczyk R., Bochenek G., Nizankowska-Mogilnicka E., Szczeklik A. – Psychopathology and personality factors modify the perception of dyspnea in asthmatics; Journal of Astma 2007, 44: 203-207.
  • Krewko M., Niedźwiedzki T. – Adaptative problems of persons with paraplegia to new life conditions; Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2007, 3 (7): 27-40.
  • Almansba R., Franchini E., Sterkowicz S. – Uchi-komi avec charge, une approche physiologique d’un nouveau test specifique au judo; Science Sports 2007, 22 (5): 216-223.
  • Almansba R., Franchini E., Sterkowicz S., Imamura R.T. – A comparitive study of speed expressed by the number of throws between heavier and lighter categories in judo; Science Sports 2007,
  • Marchewka A., Chwała W. – The analysis of gait in people with down syndrome – comparison with the norm in healthy people; Biology of Sport 2007, 24 (2): 167-175.
  • Gazurek D., Spodaryk K. – Effect of extremely weak pulsed magnetic field type bemer 3000 on ratings of perceived exertion; Biology of Sport 2007, 24
  • Sobiecka J. – Barriers hindering paralympic sports of disabled competitors; Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 16 (5C): 584-590.
  • Plinta R., Sobiecka J., Saulicz E., Tataruch Sz., Kokosz M., Knapik A., Pietrzyk G., KuszewskiM. – Influence of physical activity on social life of locomotory disabled men; Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 16 (5C): 498-503.
  • Mędrela-Kuder E. – Occurrence of toxinogenic fungi of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium in the air of closed rooms and the danger of cancerous diseases; Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 16 (5A): 343-346.
  • Blecharz J., Siekańska M. – Temperament structure and ways of coping with stress among professional soccer and basketball players; Biology of Sport 2007, 24 (2): 143-156.